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  • Creating a Green0meter account
    Go to: and click on "Create new account" which will take you to: Fill in your personal and company details and select your NACE code from the drop down. Select the features you want to use Green0meter for (CO2, ESG, CSRD, SFDR). Create your password and start using Green0meter!
  • Setting up organization structure
    One of the first steps in preparing the platform for use is to set up the organisational structure. This structure will define how consolidation for calculations will be done. 1. Log-in to the Green0meter via: 2. Click on the "Organization" section at the bottom of the menu: 3. Set up your organization structure via the "Subsidiaries" tab. 4. You can select from multiple options from: Subsidiary Supplier Asset Fund Client 5. You will be able to enable one or several of the Features the master company has access to also for the Subsidiary 6. You can check your organization design on the tab "Org Chart": You can also see a simplified tutorial here:
  • Changing Password
    Go to the bottom of the menu, click on the three dots & select "Account settings": Select the tab "General" and change your password.
  • Adding and managing users
    On the left side menu, you will find a link to "Organization". Here is where you can set up your organization structure and also add and manage users for your companies. On the top select tab "Users". On master company level here you will have a full overview of all users and what companies they are assigned to. Click "Add" to add a new user Fill in the user details and assign the right role: - Owner: sees and manages the entire account including all submissions and 3rd parties - Manager: sees and manages the assigned account and its 3rd parties - Respondent: sees only the assigned questions, cannot recalculate answers - Viewer: sees only results, cannot submit answers for recalculation Assign the selected subsidiary to the user. You can also assign the master to the selected user. After you save the user, click on it and assign the master account.
  • Assigning questions and groups of questions to users
    One of the core features that allows gathering data in the most efficient way is assigning specific users to answer specific questions. The question assignment is built around the specific user roles. Owner The question assignment feature is only accessible to users with the Owner role. Owners will see all questions in the form no matter who the question is assigned to. By default, all questions are assigned to owners only Manager & Respondent Managers & Respondents cannot assign questions to other users These user roles will only see the questions that are assigned to them Now lets look at how the question assignment works. Go to the bottom of menu and select "Question assignment" It will bring you to the question assignment page. In the table you will see the following columns: Question - here the question will be displayed as it is visible in the form. You might see an orange flag there. It means that this is a conditional question and other questions depend on it. Visibility - you can either show or hide specific questions or question groups. If a question is hidden it will not be visible to any users, not even with the owner role Assigned to - Here you will be able to define who sees the specific question or question group Notifications - you can either turn on or off notifications that will be sent to the assigned users Frequency - how often the notifications are sent Start date - start date of the notifications End date - end date of notifications How to assign questions? Step 1: Start by selecting the form you want to work on. You will have a selection of the forms depending on the hub you have available to you. There are 3 types of question assignment forms available: Master - defines question assignment for master company Subsidiary/Fund - defines question assignment for Subsidiary & Fund type of entities 3rd Party/Asset - defines question assignment for Asset & 3rd party type of entities Step 2: Next, from the dropdown, select the question group you want to assign. Step 3: In the table select a question & click on "Assign users & subsidiaries". From the popup, you will be able to assign this question to available users & their connected entities. On the top of the user column, you will always see two general options: Any user - The question will be visible to all users of the entity and all users will be able to answer it. Only owner - Only owners will see and be able to answer this question. This is the default setting. In the right column, you will see all entities that are accessible to the selected user. Select the entity you want this user to answer the question for. You can also click on "Select all" to select all entities. Click save to exit the popup. You can assign either the entire group of questions or a specific question to your selected user. The first row in the table always represents the whole question group. Select a user you want to assign the whole question group here. You can also choose to assign questions one by one to specific respondents or managers. A repeat question group assignment will override the specific question assignment. Once you have assigned all questions in the group, dont forget to click "Save" You can find the full walkthrough here too:
  • Switching between organizations
    If you have multiple entities assigned to your user profile, you can switch between them with the switcher under the company logo. This will open the 3rd party portal which has limited features and serves as a unique portal for your created 3rd party.
  • Reports
    You can find all the generated reports in the reports section in the specific hub
  • CO2 Hub
    In the menu you will find a link to CO2 hub Here you will be able to carry out the CO2 carbon footprint process from A to Z
  • CO2 Data Gathering
    To start providing answers to CO2 questions, you have 3 options: - CO2 Form - CO2 Excel Upload - CO2 Invoices For the CO2 Form, click on the Green tile to calculate your CO2 footprint It will open this page: The form is automatically saved, so don't worry you will not lose any of your submitted data. For the Excel upload option, scroll to the bottom of the hub to "Upload data" and select "Company Co2 footprint" Download the Excel file, fill it in and click on "Upload." The platform will process your input accordingly. For the invoice upload under "Documents", just select your Electricity, Water or Utilities invoices and the platform will process them. You will find the processed data in the "CO2 Forms" section:
  • CO2 Dashboard
    After submission of either the Form, Excel, Invoices, you will see the results on: You can filter through your subsidiaries, years or GHG Scopes by clicking the dropdown. You can see the charts in detail and also download individual data by clicking on the "Focus mode." You can also find automatically-generated recommendations underneath. At the very bottom of the page you will find the subsidiaries split
  • CO2 Recommendations
    After each recalculation, you will see personalized recommendations on how you can reduce your own carbon footprint.
  • Update or change emission factors
    You can update the used emission factors here: Methodology | Green0Meter. Click on Emission Factors and then on "Edit Emission Factors" A new window appears which will enable you to set any desirable emission factor. The Excel is saved automatically. No need to save it when you edit it online.
  • Audit request
    If you want to have your results audited, go the bottom of teh hub page and then click on "Generate audit file" The platform will generate and audit request with a ZIP package to the desired auditor.
  • CO2 goals setting
    To set your goals, you can go to the hub page and find the CO2 goals in "Upload data" section. Click on "CO2 goals" which will open up an online table where you will be able to set your individual goals. The table is saved automatically when edited online.
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